Om Böcker

fredag 29 juli 2011


The five-minute-challenge today is to write about “still”.

Lisa-Jo wrote about still as in “I still …”, but what comes to my mind is “being still”, maybe because it is the same word in Swedish … and maybe because I struggle so with trying to be still. Not that I move a lot really … it is more my mind, and heart, that can’t be still.

Why is it that we worry so much? I say we… it makes me feel I have company in this … even if we don’t talk about it a lot. Mostly people talk about all they do and how they fill their time, and not so much about the feeling of never pausing … never being able to be still… still in mind and heart … Being now! 

6 kommentarer:

  1. oh, i love that verse you shared! and yes, for me, too, it is often the heart and mind that need to be stilled. it is the worries, the thoughts, the concerns that keep me awake, and need to be brought under His care.
    blessings on you this day!

  2. Yes you have company. I try not to worry. Sometimes life makes it so that you find yourself doing it anyways. . .

    I love your scripture reference and the graphic. :)

  3. Wonderful word art and a great verse, thanks for sharing. I am like that too, so hard to be mentally still and let God have the things that keep me from being able to rest. Bright blessings, Shanyn (Strawberry Roan)

  4. Thank you HopeUnbroken, Mary and Mystic_Mom for your reassuring comments! Blessings!

  5. I too love that verse. I worry and worry but God is fighting the battle for me.
