Om Böcker

fredag 2 september 2011


I'm linking up with The Gypsy Mama for "5 min Friday", a challenge in which we write for 5 mins, without editing, on a prompt which she provides.


Woke up early and got on the pc to see if, maybe, I had any message from The Youngest (still miss him here at home, but don’t let on if you meet him). Link to The Gypsy Mama Friday challenge comes up on Facebook and I smile knowing this is always a good thing … and it is … I tell myself this when I have  read Lisa-Jo’s post and, once again, appreciated the wisdom that comes at me and again after I have 
stared at the word REST for the longest time. Thinking.

And, then, quick as a flash, the thought; ‘you don’t have to do this this week you know’. And I don’t, I know. But I also know that the voice (me) is just trying to avoid a subject I am not all too good at yet (noticed I said yet though?). REST!

It’s not that I don’t take it easy or have lazy days. It’s not that I clean constantly or a have an immaculate home … But I have lived with this idea that I should rest in some kind of ‘proper way’ for such a long time, that what I have come to realize this summer is still so fresh that I hesitate to speak it out loud … What if it … what if … and I worry.

REST is  ... Not worrying. Not worrying about things to come. Not worrying about things past that could have been done differently. Not worry about what people think, or want, of me.
And to avoid this there can (mostly, because world still needs some worrying) only be NOW!

So, with The Good Book, One thousand gifts, my camera, with the people I love and people I love to meet … I try. I try to live NOW… and I am getting better at it. The moments of NOW exist, every day, and they give me REST.

6 kommentarer:

  1. Rest is "not worrying"... I like that so much. And living in the "now". Wonderful! Thank you for your words, they inspire me.

    (Did you make that angel in the picture on the right side of your b blog? It is lovely!)

  2. Thank you Anna! :-)

    On the the right side of my blog is a picture of a Willow Tree Happiness Figurine. It sits in my bookcase :-) and inspires!

  3. Amen! I hit on the same concept. With Joy, Carey

  4. I love that your perspective of {rest} as an internal thing, not necessarily dependent on our surroundings (even though we can certainly find physical rest best in some places). Love this!

  5. "REST is ... Not worrying. Not worrying about things to come. Not worrying about things past that could have been done differently. Not worry about what people think, or want, of me."
    I couldn't agree more....and yet, I too, have struggled all my life trying to capture this beautiful life-giving rest. The closer I get to the Lord, the easier it becomes. One day at a time...and living in the "now", just like you so beautifully wrote!
    Great post. Thanks for talking yourself into writing it! Otherwise, we ALL would have missed out on this blessing-

  6. Living the now, in so many ways, is resting in Him. It's not worrying about the past or future. Rest. Amen. Thanks for sharing your words today.
