Om Böcker

måndag 14 maj 2012

Picture Today Inspire Tomorrow

One day. Millions of perspectives. Add yours.

On May 15th asks you and people all around the world to pick up your cameras and picture what is close to you. In this unique photographic event, we will work together to create a unique documentation of daily life.
Professionals, amateurs, school children, farmers, social media fans, astronauts and office workers. Cell phone camera, Hasselblad, home made or borrowed. is looking for the perspectives of everyone who enjoys photography. The goal is to inspire perspectives on humankind – today and tomorrow.
All images will be displayed online for you and everyone to explore. Some of them will be selected for a book, others will be displayed in digital exhibitions. Every single one will be saved for future research and inspiration.
Let a part of your life inspire generations to come. Share your perspective! Read more about the project and sign up at

”Aday” drivs av en icke vinstdrivande stiftelse i Stockholm - Expressions of Humankind - som skapades för att stödja vetenskaplig forskning och utbildning kring den fotografiska bilden. Projektet är öppet för ALLA som vill delta och är gratis.
Själva fotograferingen kommer att ha fokus på tre områden som fotografen själv är fri att tolka och reflektera kring: Hem, arbete och kontakter. Men … allt det där kan du läsa mer om på

"We are more aware of each other than ever before in the history of human life. It’s more than a perception these days, now it´s a fact that there are so many different ways to look at the world. puts this in focus. Half of all people on this planet are women, I´m curious to see how we will define ourselves in this experiment."
  Robyn - Singer, songwriter and producer.

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