lördag 31 mars 2012


Läger, den enklaste tillvaron, tillsammans, delande
Stora och små
Rakt in i hjärtat

Lånad bild

fredag 30 mars 2012

Time flies

25! First Born is 25 today! Time flies … obviously!
And sitting here, miles apart, as usual, I will tell the world about him and his birthday today and make him feel closer! 

Να ζήσεις, “Tziakkos”,  χρόνια πολλά!                          
Μεγάλος να γίνεις  με άσπρα μαλλιά.                                        
Παρτού να σκορπείζεις  της γνώσης το φως,                                 
και όλοι να λένε  Να ένας σοφός.  

Or, as Winnie the Pooh and Owl put it:
(Owl explains that what he is actually writing is not just Happy Birthday, but a full A Very Happy Birthday with Love from Pooh, which is of course much longer than just happy birthday, and Explains Everything, whilst using up a great deal of pencil.)


Five Minute Friday - Gift

I read that today’s theme, the word to write about for five minutes, no editing, is Gift.
And all I hear is Trust

Just ...

Around here we write for five minutes flat on Fridays.
We set a timer, throw caution to the winds and try to remember
what it was like to just write without worrying if it’s just right or not.

torsdag 29 mars 2012


Testar, igen, det här med Twitter

Mer som sporadiska konversationer med sig själv?

Crazy hair

Oh, how I would LOVE to have a Crazy Hair Day at work! Hillarious!

Wonderful pic's found HERE!

onsdag 28 mars 2012

tisdag 27 mars 2012

Silence is a place

“Perhaps the most important thing we bring to another person is the silence in us, not the sort of silence that is filled with unspoken criticism or hard withdrawal. The sort of silence that is a place of refuge, of rest, of acceptance of someone as they are. We are all hungry for this other silence. It is hard to find. In its presence we can remember something beyond the moment, a strength on which to build a life. Silence is a place of great power and healing.”
― Rachel Naomi Remen

Yet, it scares us?

Wise- like an owl

måndag 26 mars 2012

Continuing my Eὐχαριστέω - Multitudes on monday


(poem by Eve Merriam,1916-1992)

In the heel of my thumb
are whorls, whirls, wheels
in a unique design:
mine alone.
What a treasure to own!
My own flesh, my own feelings.
No other, however grand or base,
can ever contain the same.
My signature,
thumbing the pages of my time.
My universe key,
my singularity.
Impress, implant,
I am myself,
of all my atom parts I am the sum.
And out of my blood and my brain
I make my interior weather 
my own sun and rain 
Imprint my mark upon the world 
whatever I shall become.

Continuing my Eὐχαριστέω - Multitudes on Mondays

436 … Being shown where I can make changes, starting with me
437 … Being questioned
having to have a good think
438 … Listening to life stories – finding common ground
439 … a good burp
440 … “Vices” uniting across oceans
441 … Gethsemane – my way to faith
442 … Choosing joy
443 … The golden rule
444 … Young heads bent in prayer – an ageless position for mankind
445 … Rocks, symbolically filled with life’s garbage, thrown vigorously in to the deep sea
446 … Moments of giggly silliness
447 … The awesome feeling of trust
448 … The sun reflecting, sparkling, in the sea
449 … Kindness – good ”old fashioned” kindness
450 … Being each other’s angels
451 … Trusting good colleagues – age no matter
452 … Writing – even when never read
453 … Crocus
454 … chaffinches
455 … Unknown cat trusting our neighborhood, getting some well needed meals
456 … Confiding
457 … movie night
458 …  Stone oven baked bread  (baked with flour of durum)
459 … buying a ticket for someone – because I can
460 … Seeing the engagement ring on the finger of Mr. Right (most of the time not there because of work)

söndag 25 mars 2012

fredag 23 mars 2012


O jag drar på läger i eftermiddag. Hemma igen på  söndag med fler erfarenheter, stärkta skrattmuskler och kanske (tittar ut o ler) lite fler fräknar!

torsdag 22 mars 2012

So, here's a truth for you

Harold's Planet

No matter what age you are, 
or what your circumstances might be,
you are special, and you still have something unique to offer. 
Your life, because of who you are, has meaning. 

onsdag 21 mars 2012

måndag 19 mars 2012

Slow down?

Doesn’t all the hurry makes us hurt?
‘Slow’ never killed time. It’s the rushing and racing, the trying to catch up, 
this is what kills time — ourselves.

Why in the world do we keep wounding ourselves?

“You can only hear your life sing — when you still.”

Continuing my Eὐχαριστέω - Multitudes on monday

Monday -
We all need some "feel-good-moments"
Here's one:

Stand By Me | Playing For Change | Song Around the World

If the sky that we look upon
Should tumble and fall
And the mountains should crumble to the sea
I won't cry, I won't cry, no I won't shed a tear
Just as long as you stand, stand by me 

Continuing my Eὐχαριστέω - Multitudes on Mondays  

426 … In-depth talks
427 … Sharing music – making new discoveries
428 … Sharing parts of my scarred soul - Learning
429 … Reading the word SISTER and realizing it’s about me *smiling*
430 … Hugs full of warmth
431 … Talking movies, talking life
432 … Discovering that old grudges “are no more” … *life begins anew*
433 … Yellow roses
435 … Cuddly toys

fredag 16 mars 2012

Five Minute Friday: Brave

The whole world shook for more than six months ….

It hadn’t been a healthy relationship … ever, to be honest. Even though there had been glorious moments of heartwarming joy (the children), some happy moments and some good times. 

You define happiness differently when you live with your raw nerves on the outside and your daily companion is fear. In my case fear of state of mind of the one I shared my life with.

One day the explosion came. After years of seeing no way out, it suddenly didn’t matter whether I could see it or not - out was the only way.

Hell was my new address. For more than six months … Things went well on some parts, on others I, still haven’t and never can, forgive myself. So much hurt in the air around the kids … It still makes me cry …


Oh, yes, what I did was brave. But brave aren’t fanfares, cheers, a good gut-feeling … it isn’t heroic as in films …


Brave is pushing through hell knowing there is only one direction, knowing next step will hurt even more, and still push forward.


Bravery is a gray little angel that walks by your side when your hurt and despair makes you unable to see you’re not alone!

Bravery is visible only when looking back!

Around here we write for five minutes flat on Fridays.
We finger paint with words. 
Today, truthfull to the painfull core of myself!

Ja, så här är det

En dag ska jag dö.
Men ...
alla andra dagar ska jag leva!

tisdag 13 mars 2012

Aldrig enkelt

Och det här I en annan:

… och jag, en vanlig komplex människa, vet att jag håller med båda. Kanske t.o.m. samtidtidigt.
 Frågan är egentligen inte varför utan Vem Är Du?

måndag 12 mars 2012

Continuing my Eὐχαριστέω - Multitudes on monday

See it through to the end - somewhere you'll recognize yourself.
Your attitude makes a difference - which one is yours? Attitude that is ;-)

Continuing my Eὐχαριστέω - Multitudes on Mondays  

419 … Picking up where we left off
420 … Goodreads – giving me new ideas
421 … Home-made words
422 … Short days at works – afternoons at home
423 … Fika-time after weekday church service
424 … The phrase “peopled out” explaining it exactly
425  … The comfort of quiet time shoulder to shoulder

söndag 11 mars 2012

1 år har gått

Det är idag 1 år sedan olyckan i Japan, orsakad av ett jordskalv, och för omvärlden är  det överspelat. Men inte i japan: " den ena efter den andra av Japans kärnkraftsreaktorer kopplats ner. I slutet av november [2011 <-- min not] var bara tio av 54 reaktorer i drift – och fler på väg att stängas av."

Men vi kan ha kärnkraft? För här har det ju inte hänt något? Det är lätt att begrava huvudet i sanden och tänka att allt som hänt har ju hänt inte här ... s.a.s.! ... om det ens HAR hänt ...

Lika aktuell nu som 1979!
Läs om Harrisburgolyckan HÄR!
Och du kan läsa Tage Danielssons briljanta monolog  HÄR!

Det har protesterats lika länge mot kärnkraft/atomkraft som det jobbats för den.

[ur tidningen: Kärnkraft? Nej tack! nr 10 1980]

Måste vi fortsätta höja standarden och välfärden? 

Fototriss - I FOKUS

Man kan, nyfiket, ha varandra I FOKUS

Det är roligt att leka med kameran för att få det främsta I FOKUS

Det är skönt med vidsträckt horisont när det inre är I FOKUS

lördag 10 mars 2012

Never give up

If the person you are talking to doesn’t appear to be listening,
 be patient. 
It may simply be that he has a small piece of fluff in his ear. 
- Eeyore

fredag 9 mars 2012

Vad håller vi på med?

Många, och ofta arga, diskussioner pågår kring hemskheter som finns i världen. Många är upprörda. Men, så lyfter någon EN orättvisa, ja, då blir den personen bli överöst med irriterade åsikter om varför de inte lyfter alla andra hemskheter också, eller i alla fall den som den andre brinner mer för.
Vad håller vi på med?
Vi kan inte alla lyfta allt, var och en, ensam. Om alla lyfter det den orkar så kan vi TILLSAMMANS lyfta allt. Men att fortsätta som vi gör nu? Då får vi inget gjort!
Det är aldrig så att alla involverade i en kamp mot orättvisan är det av sitt goda hjärta. Så är det. Men det gör inte kampen för det goda sämre.
Jag ska inte låta bli att hjälpa dig upp när du har fallit bara för att det står 7 personer runt omkring och argumenterar över hur vi inte ska hjälpa just dig när det finns så många fler som ramlat på jorden just nu, och att det nog faktiskt är du själv som bidragit till att du hamnat där.  Jag ska räcka dig min hand och hjälpa dig upp! Varför? För att du behöver det.

Five Minute Friday: Empty

When the world around you turn, it seems, too quickly, and you feel you can’t turn off the intake of the zillion bits of information that come at you like a gigantic tidal wave, all the time, and people just seem  to be everywhere, needing support, help, an ear to hear their story; it leaves you feeling empty.

When you can’t, just can’t, take any more, and your feeling totally overwhelmed, “peopled out” (I love that expression) … you feel, strangely enough, empty.

But it is there, in the emptiness, I get in touch with my inner most self.

 Like in movies when two people see each other across chaos and connect their eyes, the music slowly takes over any other sound, slowly … there, just like that … with myself, I see who I am and who carries me and now let’s me rest. And I was not afraid, just overwhelmed and a little lost …

We write because we love words and the relief it is to just write them without worrying if they’re just right or not. 
So we take five minutes on Friday and write like we used to finger paint.
 For joy in the process. 
No matter how messy the result.