Läs om min egen utmaning HÄR!
Robertson Davies, 1913 - 1995, var en kanadensisk författare - en av de mest kända i landet. För mig är det ett nytt namn och jag har inte läst något av honom. Mest känd verkar han vara känd för "Femte rollen" - den första boken i en trilogi, Deptfordtrilogin:
At two minutes to six on December 27th 1908 the lives of three people become inextricably bound together by the trajectory of a snowball. There is ten-year old Dunstable Ramsay, intended victim of the snowball, who, fatefully, ducks; his 'lifelong friend and enemy' Percy Boyd Staunton, angered by their recent quarrel, who hurls the snowball; and Paul Dempster, prematurely born when his pregnant mother is struck by Percy's icy missile. Tracing the rich and varied lives of these three individuals, The Deptford Trilogy lures the reader down labyrinthine tunnels of myth, history and magic in one of the most beguiling, clever and cunning trilogies ever written.På Goodreads sida kan man läs att han var en !novelist, playwright, critic, journalist, and professor. He was one of Canada's best-known and most popular authors, and one of its most distinguished "men of letters", a term Davies is sometimes said to have detested. Davies was the founding Master of Massey College, a graduate college at the University of Toronto."

Citat jag väjer blir detta (för det säger mig något. Vill du hitta ett eget kan du göra det HÄR!):
“Happiness is always a by-product. It is probably a matter of temperament, and for anything I know it may be glandular. But it is not something that can be demanded from life, and if you are not happy you had better stop worrying about it and see what treasures you can pluck from your own brand of unhappiness.”
Gillar det sista citatet och speciellt den underfundiga meningen "It is probably a matter of temperament, and for anything I know it may be glandular". Annorlunda tänkt om man säger så.
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